The Routine Advantage | Simple Habits, Routines and Systems to Get Your Life Organized, Build Consistency and Reduce Overwhelm
Are you going to bed at night thinking about your never-ending to-do list and already stressing about tomorrow?
Waking up exhausted and relying on coffee to get through your day?
Are you making multiple trips to the store each week, stressing about what to make for dinner each night, spending too much money on groceries and take out, and feeling frazzled about paying bills on time?
I'm Renae Matt and I've been where you are! I work full-time, I'm growing my own business, and I still want to spend quality date nights with my husband. Over the years I got so tired of the housework, the bills, and the never-ending list of things to do. I was trying to keep track of it all. It was overwhelming and I felt like I had no time left to ENJOY life.
Over time, I began to build simple routines to get organized. I set up the framework to have a foundation of routines that I can fall back on even when everything else feels like it's falling apart.
On this podcast, I share what I have learned so YOU can also build these routines that can transform your life!
• A DAILY HOME ROUTINE to keep a tidy home without wasting weekends cleaning and catching up on laundry.
• A MORNING ROUTINE to take care of YOU so you can begin each day feeling refreshed to show up for others.
• A MOVEMENT ROUTINE so you can feel rejuvenated and get back your energy!
• AN EASY BUDGET ROUTINE to create a plan for your money and help you get out of debt, get rid of money stress, and save for your dreams.
• A MEAL PLANNING ROUTINE to reduce the frustration and never have to wonder what's for dinner.
Our lives are busy, but they don't have to be overwhelming. When we can get these five foundational routines in place, you will have a system set up to help reduce the stress and give you your time back! I'm here to help you build these simple routines so that they can change your life, too.
You might think this isn't the right time because you are too busy to change something, but friend… when you feel TOO BUSY to prioritize your LIFE...that is when you know something NEEDS to change.
We can't get lost time back and God didn't create us to live our lives checking off boxes and drowning in errands.
Instead of spending your evenings stressed about all the tasks you didn't get to, you will be able to spend those nights having fun with your family. Go for an evening walk, do a game night, find a hobby, or have a date night with your hubby.
When you get your life organized, you get your life back. THAT is the Routine Advantage.
• Leave a RATING and REVIEW and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show!
• Ask Renae a QUESTION (she may answer it on the show!) at www.speakpipe.com/theroutineadvantagepodcast
• FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits Guide: AuditYourHabits.com
• YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT: YourOrganizedLifeBlueprint.com
• BOOK a 1:1 Coaching Session with Renae: https://calendar.app.google/2JRANJF5aHvcE7xS8
• JOIN our free community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/theroutineadvantagecommunity
For additional support, send an email to theroutineadvantagepodcast@gmail.com
The Routine Advantage | Simple Habits, Routines and Systems to Get Your Life Organized, Build Consistency and Reduce Overwhelm
141 | 4 Tips to Finally Be Consistent with Your Habits and Reach Your Goals
Do you struggle with consistency? You might get really excited about a new habit or goal you are bringing into your life and you do REALLY well for awhile. Then one day doesn’t go as planned and all of a sudden everything starts falling to pieces. Your big hopes of reaching a goal dwindles to “I’ll start next Monday” and then continuously gets pushed off because something else comes up. Pretty soon, you are two or three years down the road and you are having the same conversations with yourself about the same goals you still want to achieve, but have yet to reach.
I’ve been there! (And in some ways, I’m still there.) In today’s episode, I want to share with you four things I learned over the years that helped me to finally build consistency and start reaching a lot of my goals! When you apply these tips, you will begin to build habits and routines into your life that actually WORK, even when life happens.
Let's get to it!
> Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!
> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!
> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: speakpipe.com/theroutineadvantagepodcast
> Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide: AuditYourHabits.com
> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT: YourOrganizedLifeBlueprint.com
> BOOK a 1:1 Coaching Session with Renae: https://calendar.app.google/2JRANJF5aHvcE7xS8
> JOIN the free community on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/theroutineadvantagecommunity
> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF!
Have a question or topic request? Send an email to theroutineadvantagepodcast@gmail.com
Thanks for being here!
- Renae & Team